Monday, January 23, 2012

Dressing For Success Through Your Battle With Cancer

Many workingwomen rely on the tips in “Dress for Success” to helpthemselves advance in the workplace. Dressing for success also applies tocancer treatment. If you’re battling cancer, following these fashion tips canhelp send the message that you’re stronger than the disease. Pampering yourselfwith some new clothes and makeup also sends yourself message that you’rebeautiful inside and out.

Foundation with a bit ofpink or peach helps counter paleness. Primer in a lilac tint, followed byskin-toned foundation, counteracts the jaundiced shade that cancers of theliver can produce. To correct dark circles under the eyes, try yellow-tonedprimer. To make red or bloodshot eyes appear brighter, apply a dot of white eyepencil in the corners of each eye. White eyeliner inside the lower eyelid alsomakes eyes whiter.

If you choose to wear a wigduring chemotherapy, don’t forget your eyebrows and eyelash area. During chemo,an eyebrow pencil slightly darker than your natural shade brings out your eyes,while a shade lighter than your own brows is best during the post-chemogrowing-out phase. Pencil eyeliner applied at the natural lash line looks mostnatural. Avoid liquid eyeliner since it will produce too harsh of anappearance.

Shirts, blouses and scarves

Wearing a flattering colornext to your face can help you look rosier. If your skin is pale with a bluishcast, dusty roses, cranberries, lilacs and periwinkles are all excellent colorsto bring a healthy glow to your face. If your skin has a more orange tone, asmost redheads and natural golden blondes do, peaches, salmons and apricots areflattering. Women of color are less likely to look washed-out and can wearbolder colors such as magenta, royal blue, purple, turquoise and emerald.

Weight loss can occur withsome cancers such as mesothelioma,which is often caused by asbestos exposure. Inaddition, the nausea that frequently accompanies chemotherapy can cause weightto drop. Crew necks and other rounded necklines can give the illusion of facialfullness, as can scarves wound close to the neck. On the other hand, some steroidtreatments cause facial puffiness. A V-neckline or a scarf tied low can helpelongate the face.

Pants and skirts

Many women undergoingcancer treatment need to lie down during the day, clothing that doesn’t wrinkleeasily and that doesn’t bind is ideal. Chemotherapy causes sun sensitivity, somake sure that your clothing covers most of your body. Cancer treatments canalso cause the skin to be more sensitive, so avoid wool or other itchy fabrics.


Choose flattering shoeswith a wider heel. Now is not the time to add an ankle injury from a stilettoheel. Shoes with adjustable straps are ideal since they don’t bind if thetreatment causes ankle swelling.

Now, all women diagnosed with cancerknow how to “Dress for Success.” Success is survival and feeling beautiful isthe best treatment option that any woman can try.  

you can contact Jackie via:
Mesothelioma Blog

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